"Upskill Employees In Design Thinking & Cognitive Learning"

The surge in demand for premium consumer durables in India is indicative of a significant shift in consumer preferences and lifestyle choices. There is a growing need for a proactive and forward-thinking HR approach to gear up for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Over the past year, digitalisation has continued to be a driving force in shaping HR practices. From onboarding to performance management, companies are leveraging advanced tools and artificial intelligence to streamline processes and enhance decision-making. As the hybrid work model gains momentum, particularly in the consumer durables industry, it proves to be a boon, offering employees the flexibility to work both remotely and in the office for optimal outcomes. HR practices must adapt to this evolving landscape, ensuring sustained employee engagement, connectivity and productivity, irrespective of their physical work location.

In the coming year, prioritising the importance of employee well-being would be a must along with a range of dedicated 'Diversity and Inclusivity' initiatives for a holistic workplace. Amid the burnout culture, it’s imperative to establish a good work-life balance. Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being. HR initiatives that address mental health concerns, such as offering counselling services and creating a supportive work environment, will contribute to a healthier and more resilient workforce. 

The need for upskilling and reskilling is paramount. HR practices are evolving to include robust learning and development programmes around design thinking and cognitive learning in our industry that empower employees to acquire new skills with evolving business dynamics. The focus is on creating a culture of continuous learning, enabling the workforce to adapt to technological advancements and changes in the industry. Concurrently, workforce management strategies are becoming increasingly integral, ensuring optimal utilisation of skills and resources, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and effectively adapting to technological advancements and industry changes.

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