Unacademy’s subsidiary PrepLadder teachers together have started a legal battle, according to media reports. Many teachers have filed a petition in the Delhi High Court regarding the dues.
This has created another problem for the SoftBank-invested edutech unicorn. PrepLadder Vivek Jain had last month taken the legal route for the dues of royalty fees due in December 2022. Now some other teachers have also filed a petition in the court.
The media reports further reveal that Jain as well as some other doctors in the medical field have not received money for their notes. He has not received money for his content sold on Preploader since September 2022 last year when he decided to cancel the contract from April 2023. He decided to cancel the contract due to dues and cheating.
Although on the other hand Preplader has stopped the payments of these teachers but has not stopped the sale of content.