"Pivotal Role Of Up/Reskilling To Accelerate Techade"

In 2023, the HR landscape has come to symbolise resilience, adaptability, and a pursuit of new skill sets. Key trends, including technological advancements, the surge in remote work, a heightened emphasis on diversity and inclusion, a focus on employee well-being, data-driven decision-making, skills development, and the adoption of agile HR practices, have collectively shaped a responsive and dynamic industry approach to evolving workplaces. This transformative period witnessed a significant proactive effort across organisations, with a focus on upskilling and reskilling initiatives to fortify the workforce for the accelerating digital transformation agenda. A noteworthy recognition came from the government of India, which aptly christened the current decade as 'Techade,' underscoring the pivotal role of upskilling and reskilling in ushering in a future led by digital transformation.

Several reports highlight a pressing challenge that the country would have a shortage of 2.41 million skilled workers in the Indian telecom sector, a gap to grow 3.8X by 2030, and the sector is projected to demand 22 million skilled workers in 5G-focused industries by 2025, yet only 40 per cent of graduates in relevant fields meet industry requirements. To address this gap, the government of India has established over 100 5G labs, vital testing and breeding grounds for local innovators, students, and startups to explore new applications across various sectors.

The trends of 2023 go beyond industry benchmarks; they serve as guiding lights illuminating the path toward a future where our workforce not only anticipates change but catalyzes it.

Looking ahead to 2024, organisations will persist in their focus on upskilling and reskilling, leveraging technologies such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, data science, network technology, and AI and machine learning to enhance productivity. A renewed emphasis on employee well-being, flexibility, sustainability, and inclusive practices will underpin robust and agile business operations. Furthermore, we advocate for a 'CEO of your career' mindset, urging talent to take charge with passion, adopt a strategic approach, focus on strengths, and cultivate a clear vision for their professional journey.

As we navigate the intricacies of the modern workplace, our commitment remains steadfast – to embrace change, champion innovation, and foster a culture that thrives on continual learning and collaboration.

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