The minister of state for electronics and IT and skill development, Rajeev Chandrashekhar while addressing an event of the Public Affairs Forum of India (PAFI), said efforts of companies that want to pin their employees down and say they should not work on their own startups are doomed to fail. Moonlighting is an emerging issue in the IT sector in which an employee works as a gig worker for other companies in their leisure time, that often termed as a violation of integrity by the companies. Recently Wipro fired 300 employees who were alleged to work for competitor firms.
The Minister said "Today's youngsters have every sense of confidence and purpose about wanting to monetise, create more values...So, the efforts of companies that want to pin their employees down and say that you should not work on your own startup are doomed to fail,". Minister also said that the days were gone when an employee used to work for a company for their whole life.
He further added, "Any captive models will fade. Employers expect employees to be entrepreneurial while serving them. The same people can apply it personally to themselves,". Chandrashekhar also emphasises the new mode of working of the new generation, he said that like lawyers and consultants do this is the future of the work.