Medi Assist recently announced the launch of Medi Akanksha, a program designed to help women who have taken a professional sabbatical owing to a variety of reasons. The Medi Akanksha program aims at eradicating the prejudice and stigma associated with women who take a career break and call upon women to take a second career.
Recently the organization also has won a prestigious industry award for “Best Organization for Women 2022”, Medi Assist is striving to create a gender-equal workplace by providing equal opportunities. The company currently has a ratio of 42% women in their workforce and the goal is to increase this in the next few quarters. The idea behind Medi Akanksha is to tap the huge talent and capability among women professionals who have discontinued work due to various reasons.
Taking a hiatus from work has been a significant professional setback for women. Coming back is difficult, especially when there is apprehension around lost abilities, lack of competency sharpening, or perceived lack of upskilling.
Medi Assist hopes to give opportunities and support for women to re-enter the workforce and resume their corporate jobs through this initiative. Structured onboarding, targeted mentoring, flexible work alternatives, and on-the-job learning are essential components in preparing potential employees for career 2.0.
“A lot of thought has gone into this program. When we initially pitched this to the leaders there was no difference in opinion or apprehension, we were fully supported to drive this. Medi Assist being an organization that supports women all through has taken yet another leap to come forward with this program,” said Anitha Manikantan, Head of People Practice - Medi Assist.