There is new evidence that upskilling courses lend learners an upper hand in their careers, as the Emeritus India Impact Survey reveals that an overwhelming majority of 96 per cent of professionals surveyed witnessed the positive impact of Leadership Programmes on their jobs within a year of undertaking them. The survey was conducted by Emeritus, a global leader in world-class professional education, to understand how professionals stay future-ready with the help of professional programmes from Emeritus.
Interestingly, the number of professionals who undertook programmes on leadership belonged primarily to the software and IT services, as well as, manufacturing sectors in the job roles of human resources and talent, as well as, operations. Leadership programmes also enabled 63% of the surveyed learners to advance in their careers and leapfrog others in the profession.
As per McKinsey & Company’s report in 2021, most companies worldwide – at least 87 per cent – are “aware that they either already have a skill gap among their workforce or will have one within a few years”. In this backdrop, the Emeritus India Impact Survey revealed that professionals also felt confident of contributing to team improvement and technical improvement organisationally as a result of professional upskilling programmes in leadership. While every 2 out of 3 participants admitted that the programmes provided them with necessary skills and training needed to advance in their career, about 63% said they saw a team improvement owing to the leadership programmes they were a part of.
Upskilling programmes were particularly valuable in imparting the much-needed tools and strategies which could be immediately applied to their work, reported 71% of the professionals who took up such leadership programmes. Nearly 68% of them also said the programmes helped them be more efficient and effective in their jobs. In addition, about 72% agreed that professional leadership programmes empowered them with access to the latest thinking from world-renowned experts and thought leaders, and thereby be able to compete with their peers.
Showcasing the long-term impact of upskilling courses, about 71% of the professionals also said they could inculcate a lifelong learning mentality within themselves and being inspired to pursue career-related dreams, drawing from the leadership programmes they attended.
Commenting on the Emeritus India Impact Survey findings, Mr. Mohan Kannegal, CEO, India and APAC, Emeritus, said, “In the fast-changing job landscape, it is important for organisations and individuals to be conscious of the skill gaps that exist among professionals and actively address them through upskilling. At Emeritus, we are driven to bridge this skill gap through high-quality, life-changing and accessible education, curated in partnership with some of the world’s leading educational institutions which help us deliver impact for learners. Through programmes with top B-Schools in India and globally, we are offering programmes for CXOs to upskill in growing niches such as CDO, CTO and COO. It is extremely heartening to see the findings from the Emeritus India Impact Survey 2022 point not only to short-term results of our programmes, such as being more efficient at jobs with the knowledge of latest world-class tools, strategies and thinking, but also empowering the workforce with a lifelong learning mentality. We are glad to inspire the next-generation of leaders through our programmes, who are taking shape by learning from world-renowned experts.”