Job insecurity leading to high levels of anxiety & depression amongst India Inc. professionals

Bangalore, 17 July, 2017: India Inc. needs to take note of the increasing deterioration of mental wellness amongst professionals in their respective sectors, due to job insecurities. The recent spate of layoffs, especially in the IT sector 

with the forecast of nearly six lakh jobs expected to be slashed in the next three years, is a cause for alarm. As per a recent study undertaken by, an online counselling and emotional wellness platform, 62.5% professionals across sectors are undergoing issues such as anxiety and depression due to occupational insecurity.

To address the mental health issues, launched the Fired to Fired Up campaign wherein the company hosted a toll-free helpline number staffed by qualified psychologists and career coaches to provide free counselling and career guidance. While the helpline received over 1000 enquiries from across the country and sectors just within 3 days, the data analyzed throws startling facts of what young professionals are enduring.

65% inquiries were from professionals who had been laid off or were insecure about their job stability, given the uncertainty in the industry. 43% professionals were from the IT sector; few from healthcare, pharma, manufacturing, and e-commerce industry. Most of them had less than 2 years of experience and had been unemployed for at least the past 3 months. 57% professionals had not even sought help from family or friends and 62.5% laid-off callers showed symptoms of either anxiety or depression with monetary insecurity adding a huge burden.

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