In Conversation With Manoj Shikarkhane, CHRO, LTIMindtree

Mr. Shikarkhane, as the Chief Human Resource Officer of LTIMindtree, you've been in this role for more than 18 months. Could you share some insights into the strategies you've been implementing to help employees unleash their career growth potential through upskilling and professional development? 

At LTIMindtree, we believe that a sound and effective career growth structure is pivotal for every employee's progress and aspirations. 

We've laid the groundwork for an employee-centric career architecture that enables each individual to advance their career trajectory within the organisation. This architecture creates job families, career paths, and specialization routes for them. Supporting this is our skill inventory strategy, which employs a job-skill cluster method for skill categorisation, accompanied by proficiency benchmarks. 

To cater to the multifaceted needs of our team, we've harmonised career pathways. For instance, tech aficionados can journey through a sequenced progression, encompassing roles such as Software Engineer, Data Sciences – Specialist, Architect, Product Engineer, and more. Likewise, tracks for domains, management, and operations have been meticulously crafted. 

Our skill clusters amalgamate skills that collectively enable specific roles. This blueprint enables structured career and learning guides to our employees, while simultaneously assisting in strategic workforce organisation and promoting internal career shifts. Our cutting-edge AI infrastructure automatically charts clear learning routes for employees, thereby leveraging their existing skills, aspirations, and internal opportunities. 

At the core, we've been nurturing a culture of curiosity and perpetual learning. The philosophy of Shoshin, embodying the "Beginner’s Mind", serves as the bedrock of our approach. This ethos encourages our team in knowledge sharing and upskilling, for sustainable growth. 

Shoshin School: 

The Shoshin School, our exhaustive digital learning hub, stands as the primary source for all learning endeavours. It offers an array of learning tools – be it self-directed modules, online sessions, traditional classes, certifications, or workshops. Each course is delineated by its depth and arranged into structured learning guides and sets. This learning matrix is always accessible across devices, ensuring unwavering progress. 

Our strategic alliances extend to certifications ranging from foundational to expert tiers, nurturing futuristic skill acquisition. For practical purpose, we've joined forces with hyper-scalers, to offer simulated courses for team members to probe and innovate in tech hubs. We seamlessly merge performance assessment insights and developmental schemes to design such learning trajectories. 

We amplify the significance of sector-specific acumen alongside tech prowess. Our curated learning routes include various in-house certification curriculums, all accessible via the Shoshin School. Our investments are channelled towards innovation hubs, allowing members to engage with state-of-the-art tech in sync with clients, enabling innovation.  

To facilitate the transition from traditional to emerging domains, Shoshin School offers numerous upskilling and reskilling initiatives, featuring over 6000 courses on new-age skills. Some of our key successful initiatives for innovation and continuous learning are: 


Our internal Gig platform called GigSpace is gaining excellent traction from both projects and our enthusiastic workforce. This platform was established with the intent of providing employees with opportunities to practice the new skills they have learned to solve real-life challenging assignments. This also prepares the organization culturally to move towards gig work in a scalable way. It helps in creating strong employee engagement as well. 

LTIMindtree Crystal 

Our Global Technology Office (GTO) is upbeat about decoding emerging technology trends through our proven "LTIMindtree Crystal" technology radar framework. LTIMindtree Crystal provides insights on “Beyond-the-Horizon” technologies helping to make informed technology and strategic decisions. This provides our employees with: 

  • Opportunity for future research and consideration 

  • Strategy and innovation combined centrally to create game-changing growth opportunities 

LTIMindtree has also revamped its Rewards and Recognition policy and program to meet the needs of a diverse workforce and to bring in focus on innovation and transformation. We have also introduced an Incentivization Policy for Breakthrough Innovation. 

Digital technologies, Cloud, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence continue to disrupt established ways of doing business. To match the pace and demand, businesses require a workforce that is multi-skilled (full stack), agile and future-ready. Such talent is in short supply in the market.  Our initiatives and approach are greatly helping our employees during the tough market situations to equip quickly for the available opportunities within the organization and keep themselves billed. It is also helping us to quickly ramp up the team for new business opportunities. 

We've set a target to meet up to 70% of opportunities from within. This strategy not only aids in business expansion through structured and swift internal promotions but also amplifies employee commitment and loyalty. Minimizing dependency on external recruitment reduces expenses and boosts profit margins, to the advantage of both LTIMindtree and its team. Furthermore, an inclusive culture that nurtures chances for both horizontal and vertical transitions is paramount in realizing the transformational potential of the workforce and the enterprise. 

The integration of HR algorithms and analytics can streamline processes, but how does LTIMindtree ensure that employees still feel valued and supported on a personal level? Could you share an example of a situation where HR algorithms or data-driven approaches were used to make a significant HR decision? How did this balance with considering the individual needs and concerns of employees? 

LTIMindtree champions a Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch philosophy. While technology offers invaluable insights and streamlines HR processes, the heart of our approach remains human interaction. We prioritize creating personal connections through varied in-person programs. This approach and philosophy ensures that our employees feel valued and also reinforces our commitment to each and every individual in our organisation. From private discussions to expansive town halls involving our leadership team, the commitment starts with our CEO's regular CEO Connect sessions and cascades down to our middle management.  

Understanding the power of HR Analytics and Digitization, we have invested significantly in developing HR Technologies within our organisation. We are leveraging technology to digitize our HR processes by implementing ‘ServiceNow’ on the top of ‘SuccessFactors’ to provide the right user interface. We have also developed a strong analytics engine on top of this entire set-up to capture insights and plan specific interventions. 

While automation and data-driven decisions are valuable, we ensure that certain tasks and interactions in every process cycle remain personal. We have revolutionized our onboarding process, performance evaluation, rewards and recognition processes, skills management and reskilling processes with digital tools. However, the digitized processes ensure personal interactions are maintained reaffirming our aim to ensure that employees feel valued and supported.  

We have initiated steps to strengthen the bonds between managers and their teams. While remote working offers numerous benefits, it sometimes does not allow employees and the broader organisations to closely interact and imbibe the corporate culture. Our M-Power program quips managers to connect with employees effectively and provides a roster of initiatives that managers can use depending upon specific challenges and issues. 

We believe in clear and transparent communication on the purpose and benefits of HR algorithms and analytics so that employees understand how these tools will contribute to their efficiency. To facilitate this, we have involved employees in decision-making processes related to HR algorithms and analytics by creating focus groups and teams. Engaging our people in discussions empowers them to influence change and shape their professional environment. Such an inclusive strategy proved invaluable during the merger and integration of LTI and Mindtree, where we designated Change Champions and Transition Leaders. Involving them in the overarching integration project ensured a smoother transition with heightened acceptance and markedly reduced disruption.  

Some of the areas where we have done comprehensive reviews are in areas such as compensation and benefits. We conducted an in-depth analysis to support integration harmonization decisions related to compensation and benefits. Our reward systems are aligned with industry standards and cater to the diverse needs of our employees. 

We have also engaged in pulse and periodic surveys where we have been able to identify trends and patterns that impact employee satisfaction and well-being which has helped us design targeted initiatives to enhance employee engagement and foster a positive work environment. 

Employee performance data has provided insights on individual and team performance, identifying areas for development, employee concerns and recognizing consistent top performers. 

We also did footfall analytics for our return to office initiative. Our Yin-Yang model for hybrid work is a critical aspect of our workplace strategy. Footfall analytics has helped us understand office space utilization and employee preferences, helping us optimize our workspace design and implement the Yin-Yang model effectively. We have seen an increase of 50% in footfalls by using algorithms and analytics.  

As someone who has overseen transformation initiatives, how do you envision the integration of Generative AI into HR processes impacting the overall company culture and employee satisfaction? 

Generative AI can not only enhance employee experience and engagement, but also play a key role in code generation, and offers solutions to technical challenges. It crafts training materials, simulates scenarios for learning, and facilitates interactive onboarding experiences. Additionally, it can generate personalized feedback, provide virtual mentors, and helps in brainstorming innovative solutions, all contributing to a more dynamic and engaging work environment. 

In the realm of HR, it can revolutionise recruitment by analysing resumes, pinpointing potential candidates, and even undertaking initial screenings. It has the capacity to create personalized training plans for employees, chart out career paths, and highlight skill development opportunities. Generative AI can also take on administrative tasks like scheduling interviews and addressing routine employee queries, freeing up HR professionals to dedicate their time to more strategic and personalized aspects of their roles. On another note, AI-driven sentiment analysis can delve deep into employee morale and engagement, empowering HR teams to proactively address concerns and amplify overall satisfaction. 

The challenges we anticipate include ensuring that information is leveraged appropriately, the desired outcomes are realized, and the resulting insights are applied judiciously. The adherence to data privacy laws, securing employee consent as mandated in certain regions, upholding employee rights, ensuring stringent Data Security to safeguard employee data, and preserving Intellectual Property rights are critical considerations. 

We are firm believers that technology is the enabler and not the displacer. HR has the responsibility to find the right balance between the application of technology and building deep connections with employees. At LTIMindtree, our "Hi-Tech and Hi-Touch" philosophy serves as a foundational tenet as we explore the potential of generative AI in HR. 

Moreover, if employees are empowered with opportunities to elevate their roles using generative AI, it stands to not only elevate their individual contributions but also transform the organisation. We unveiled our Incentivization Policy for Breakthrough Innovation, and we are eagerly awaiting innovative solutions developed by our enthusiastic workforce in emerging technology domains. 

In your role as the CHRO, you've overseen substantial business growth. How do you align HR strategies with the broader organizational goals to ensure that talent management contributes to the company's success? 

Throughout my career in delivery and practice organisations, I have held a multitude of roles, and a common thread among them has been my profound involvement in talent management, client management, change leadership, acknowledging the significance of technology for business success, and developing a deep understanding of the myriad challenges faced by individuals. My tenure in delivery has endowed me with a distinctive perspective on what effective talent management truly means, strategies to navigate client expectations, and the paramount importance of technology in our operations. 

In my role on the business side of operations, I've cultivated an even deeper appreciation of these factors. I've delved into the intricacies of our business dynamics, grasped the subtle nuances of technology, recognised the ever-evolving nature of technology trends, and tackled the complexities of managing a diverse workforce geared towards consistently meeting and exceeding client expectations. 

This holistic perspective, spanning the entire delivery and business value chain, has further underscored the significance of client management, talent management, skill development, and the imperative of driving innovation. These insights and experiences have shaped and enriched my approach to HR practices, initiatives, and transformation programs, giving me the opportunity to contribute effectively to our organisation’s success. 

Finally, could you provide some insights into your leadership philosophy and the values that guide your approach to managing and nurturing talent within LTIMindtree? 

HR strategy at LTIMindtree is focused on offering our employees a robust employee value proposition, based on the following 4 pillars: 

1. Talent-growth Opportunities: Central to our HR strategy is ensuring abundant opportunities and clear career trajectories for employees, emphasizing cross-skilling and upskilling. This enhancement of the talent pool and the preparation of internal leaders to seize growth opportunities underpins our aim to fulfill 70% of opportunities from within, thereby deepening engagement, retention, and cost-efficiency. 

2. People-centric Culture: The role of culture is undeniable in creating a unified workforce. Anchored in a “People First” philosophy, our HR strategy seeks to weave together policies and processes. It aims to imbibe and nurture our results-oriented culture and weave in flexibility with schemes like the Yin-Yang model for blended work environments and comprehensive employee wellness offerings. 

3. Rich Employee Experience: A significant portion of our HR commitment is channelled towards enhancing employee experiences. This involves the digitization of critical employee touchpoints, the inauguration of a unified grievance redressal system, and the provisioning of comprehensive well-being initiatives. Collaboration is boosted through ULTIMA Engage, our internal social nexus, while outstanding performances are spotlighted through our iWin rewards and recognition structure. 

4. Compelling Brand: Forging a compelling brand is an important objective for us, with the aim of both drawing in and retaining top-tier talent, distinguishing ourselves amidst market competitors, and elevating employee advocacy. Our Employee Value Proposition is holistic, with a uniform and powerful brand message. 

In addition, we have charted a clear vision, mission, and belief system, which we are actively embedding across organisation. Complementing this, we've pinpointed 10 leadership competencies that resonate with our organisational ethos. To champion leadership evolution and prowess, several programs have been developed, inclusive of the Leadership Guild initiative and EmpowHer – a tailor-made program for our women leaders. Such endeavours are meticulously crafted to align our leaders with these competencies while also fortifying areas in need of development.

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