In Conversation with Dillip Kumar Patel, Director (HR), NTPC

Mr Patel, congratulations to your organisation for winning the Excellence in Learning Technology Award at the BW People HR Excellence Awards 2023.  In your view, what is unique about the learning technology systems at NTPC?

To start with, I thank BW People and the esteemed Jury for recognizing NTPC with this Award! The award is a testament to NTPC’s outstanding Learning and Development practices and its relentless pursuit of excellence through deploying an innovative approach, adopting technology, setting benchmarks and fostering a culture of continuous learning by investing in and providing opportunities to its employees, tailored to business imperatives and employee’s needs.

The Learning Technology Systems at NTPC are a key part of the organisation's strategy to create a future-ready workforce and are designed to “Grow Our Own Timber”! Their uniqueness stems from being focused, targeted and need-based, and being continuously upgraded keeping in view of the forthcoming futuristic technologies. We have adopted digitalization and virtual platform as the core pillars of learning technology. The courses are customised based on the level and work area of the concerned employee using the L&D technology which automatically assigns the courses. An important attribute of the system is that it facilitates competency building and skill enhancement of not only NTPC Employees but also the outsourced workers. Training and fieldwork are intertwined so that the learner can refer the course material on the field easily. I am happy to share with you that we are also developing Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technology-based modules. 

How has your organization's learning technology evolved in the hybrid model of working? 

The Learning & Development Matrix at NTPC is geared to come up with appropriate interventions to meet all kinds of organizational requirements - be it facilitating the operational excellence of our units or building capabilities to facilitate the transition to Clean Energy, or having holistic programmes to build managerial and leadership capabilities of our employees. 

In the last 3 years, there has been a reorganization of the operating model of various functions in NTPC for ensuring better use of the resources by taking help of digital platforms.

Against the above background, the Learning Technology Systems at NTPC are being customized to suit the specific requirement of the employee and facilitate “learning in the flow of work” as well as “asynchronous learning”.

Towards this end, several initiatives have been implemented, which include 

I. Administering Online management and leadership courses for enhancing the managerial competency of executives through Harvard ManageMentor (HMM)

II.Administering Online technical courses / Modules for enhancing functional competency of all Operation and Maintenance (O&M) executives through the GPiLearn+ platform

III.Developing tailor-made e-learning courses accessible through eGuru LMS

IV.Administering Online job rotation modules through SAMARTH Program.

V.Administering Future Skills courses (AI, ML, IOT, Big Data Analytics) via online platform

VI.Introduction of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology for operators and welders

All these initiatives are virtual in nature which when coupled with the traditional learning methods enabled excellence in learning and development.

Further, in addition to our  well acclaimed “eGuru” initiative (which involves learning through online platforms), we have now embarked on a novel “iGuru” initiative which has a focus on immersive technologies such as VR, AR and MR.

3. How does the company identify the learning needs of its employees and implement learning technology based on their preferences?

The Skill or competency gaps are identified through Training Need Analysis, inputs for which come from the ERP enabled PMS (Performance Management System), Management mandates considering the Corporate Plan and strategic objectives of NTPC, discussions with the senior leadership team, and competency assessments like CPV (Executive/Managerial Competencies, Potential Competencies and Core Values) Assessments and ADCs (Assessment & Development Centres). 

The skill gaps can be categorized into three areas - Functional, Managerial and Leadership competency gaps. 

Functional gaps are addressed through training (classroom, web based, internal and external e-learning courses including specially curated job-rotation facilitation training) in the different domains and experiential learning (job-rotation, simulator training, VR-based modules). External e-learning courses include courses on HR, Energy Storage, Carbon Capture and Wind Energy Technology from reputed Institutes besides new age digital courses like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Block Chain etc. 

Managerial competency gaps are addressed through customized IDPs (Individual Development Plans) based on ADC and CPV assessments, soft-skills training, external e-learning courses like Harvard Manage Mentor and targeted training on competencies coming out as development areas. This is supplemented with compliance and ethical behaviour workshops and Professional and Quality Circle competitions. 

Leadership is developed through mandatory planned interventions linked to career growth at various stages of career, cross-functional exposure and transfers (mobility), special interventions (like Leader 10X) for middle-level HiPo, business (simulation) games and company level competition on business challenges. The Executives being considered for elevation to GM (a leadership role) are sent for customized leadership programs at reputed Institutions like IIMs / ISB.

Further, in line with the new and emerging business opportunities, GOI thrust areas and our company's expansion plans, NTPC has made foray into the renewables / green energy domain and associated emerging technologies. Since these are newer and emerging areas, there is a requirement for building competencies in these specialized areas. We have introduced Special interventions for capability building of selected executives in emerging technologies/businesses like RE, Energy Storage, Carbon Capture, Wind Energy Technology and Nuclear Energy, considering our diversification strategy. Online customized certification programmes have been conducted through IIT Bombay in areas like Energy Storage Systems, Solar Thermal Systems, and Carbon Capture. The content and design of the programmes have been customized and created as per NTPC's needs.

4. How do you incorporate technology and digital learning solutions into your L&D programs?

NTPC uses blended training combined with traditional Instructor-Led training (ILT) with a mix of digital training such as e-learning, Web Conferencing, Video Conferencing; Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technology-based learning modules along with classroom training. The novel and latest learning technologies are embedded in L&D programmes with the support of academicians, industry experts and technology implementers, mainly IT & ITES experts.

The advent of the latest technologies into power generation has increased the need for personalized training. Accordingly, we have set up Simulators for 200 MW, 500 MW, 660 MW and 800 MW following technological upgradation. 

Recently, we incorporated VR enabled Welding simulator to train the welders. 

As mentioned earlier, NTPC has embarked on “iGuru” - a learning initiative focused on immersive technologies which has a mix of equipment (technology) and module (digital learning modules) -  to equip its workforce for the challenges in this domain.

Initially, pilots are identified, executed and their learning efficacy is measured and compared with the set targets. The gaps and limitations are identified, and feedback is taken from the employees as well as their managers and experts.  The learning technology is launched finally after incorporating suitable remedial measures. 

We regularly conduct ‘Train the trainer’ programs to train the faculty initially who in turn train others at their plant. In this way, technology and digital learning solutions disseminate to the wider spectrum of the workforce.

What methods or tools do you use to assess the effectiveness of the learning technology implemented in the organisation?

The company has been evaluating its programs / interventions using the conceptual framework of the Kirkpatrick Model. It assesses both formal and informal training methods based on Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, and Results. This system is embedded in the existing Learning Management System. Assessment and feedback are taken regularly to assess the effectiveness.

An independent third-party Examination/evaluation and virtual hands-on examinations for all participants exposed to the learning technology ensures that the same is disseminated effectively to all. It is ensured that the same are examined without any bias and the feedback is communicated to the reporting managers. The effectiveness is manifested through several benefits to the organization such as an increase in availability factor, reduction in equipment forced outage, reduction in planned outage, increase of Gross generation, etc.

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