Human Resources, as a function in an organization; deals with the people and issues related to people such as compensation and benefits, recruiting and hiring employees, on-boarding employees, performance management, training, and organization development and culture. As an organization's most significant asset, employees hired must be satisfied, motivated, developed, and retained. An organization’s human resource policies play a very important role in this.
Cosmo Films took up HR transformation to create systems and processes which proved to be enablers for the company’s journey to becoming an Employer of Choice. Some of the processes that we have improved upon in order to define a clear focus on capability building, keeping our employees at the core are-
1. Performance appraisals
2. Recruitment processes
3. Compensation and benefits
4. Employee engagement
5. Employee life cycle
6. Rewards & Recognition
7. Background checks and verifications
8. Automation of HR through implementing SAP’s Success Factor
One of the major areas that we have worked towards in the past year is Employee Engagement and its 4 pillars through the medium of automated HR. Let us discuss them in some detail-
Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement is one of the key focus areas for the company, and we have designed a very robust and comprehensive engagement model based on the findings of engagement survey of 2017. Engagement is also done by way of capability building, innovative methods of resourcing and culture change. With this systemic and strategic approach, various activities are being carried out in the company to boost employee engagement. The engagement model is based on four pillars which are-
Career Opportunities:- An employee has clear defined visibility on knowledge, skill & attributes required for his position as well as the role he/she would aspire to be in and requisite resources for his/her career planning. On this front, we have recently launched a Career Progression Module, where we identify good talent within the organization and give them a boost in their career through training and interdisciplinary assignments. This talent would be identified on the basis of past ratings and would be defined under two major categories- The High Performers (HiPOS) and the Top Guns. Where the HiPOS would be identified on the basis of excellent performance in three consecutive quarters, the Top Guns would be identified with consistently excellent performance in at least three quarters in their career at Cosmo Films.
Reward & Recognition:- Reward & Recognition System is aimed to accelerate the pace of the employee performance in the most competitive way, ensuring healthy completion to go the extra mile for the organization and get rewarded by an utmost transparent method. We have a very comprehensive system in place to identify deserving employees and reward them with several recognitions like Sales Incentive Plan, Chairman’s Award, CEO Award and monthly & quarterly incentives.
Empowerment and Authority:- This is a cultural shift that is being initiated by way of Empowerment & Autonomy by bringing a manager driven culture. Transparency is being built between the employee and their managers to reward the efforts of the employee by the most objective Performance Management Systems. We have divided our system into three different E’s- Enable, Empower and Excel.
a. Enable: Creating a culture that gives recognition, competency development opportunities, a healthy and safe working environment, and a process-driven culture.
b. Empower: Giving employees a degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making regarding their specific organizational tasks.
c. Excel: To perform our responsibilities entrusted by the organization exceptionally well. Outstanding practices in managing the organization and achieving superior results.
4. Supervision:- Competencies reflected in the employees are impacted by way of Supervisory Development Training, which is included in a new employee induction program, buddy programs, technical as well as behavioral training- on and off the job, development programs and plant visits for people working at remote locations. Additionally, some other initiatives started in the company, contributing towards a cultural change and capability building are-
Introduction of Human Resource Business Partner Concept: - Now there are dedicated HR executives in the company who are closely working with all the vertical heads on their business requirements, various issues and concerns; and extending the support for smooth day to day operations.
Moving employees to the next level through Digital HR Practices:- In the current working environment, we have made it easy for employees to access HR services and data from anywhere across the world with our automated HR through the medium of Cosmo Intranet and SAP Success Factor. This is accessible to all employees not only on their laptops but also through their smartphones.
Recruitment of Female Employees:- In our plant in Shendra, Aurangabad, female Graduate Engineers are being recruited as GEL (Graduate Engineer Learners). They have done various good projects with us and given important inputs for the improvement in operations.
Launch of Cosmo Global Competencies:- Cosmo Global competencies were launched in 2017 for all the employees and detailed training was given on 08 competencies which should be acquired by all employees.
With these revisions and structures now in place, Cosmo Films has been able to create a viable working environment for its employees, and also placed the company as a great place to work for.