How Skills Preparation May Be A Viable Path To Higher Education

Higher education faced an intense amount of scrutiny over the last decade. Rising prices and rising student loan debt rates, combined with declining academic rigor, have raised some difficult questions for colleges and universities, but enrollment continues to increase. 

While alternate routes to good-paying positions have arisen in recent years, many as a road to a productive profession go through the capability enhancement pathway. However, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to change various aspects of everyday life, one of its most enduring consequences is how it changes the way we think about higher education. 

While robots, automation, and artificial intelligence perform more tasks, and there is significant work disruption, experts suggest a broader variety of training and skill-building programs must be developed to fulfil new requirements. Besides, introducing more skill-based and innovative courses in the colleges could go a long way in increasing student employability and lead to a better job scenario. Skill preparation at an early stage has proven helpful in taking wise decisions for choosing the right career path in the longer run. 

It is important to note that human behaviours, attributes, and competencies are mostly described as desirable work skills. Enhancing the skills can be done by attending workshops and seminars so that the students and teachers get exposed to the new ideas that are being envisaged for their better academic and research objectives. Here are a few ways for skill preparation for as a viable path to higher education.   

Developing practical knowledge  

It is highly important for students to develop practical knowledge on employability skills by engaging in intense, ongoing discussions about essential skills with employers, industrial psychologists and other workplace experts. 

Teamwork learning through group projects 

Students are exposed to the idea of team building through different college group projects. Not only does it allow them to work in groups but it also gives them an opportunity to build their leadership skills. 

Implement emerging technology 

Use of emerging technologies and tools, such as automated writing feedback and game-based skills evaluations, can help develop and measure critical skills. Use technologies to help the faculty teach the biggest classes to step away from multiple-choice tests and introduce more writing instead.  

Combined with open peer comments and student writing fellows, one may use automatic text processing to ease the faculty burden and improve input quality and accuracy.  

Handling a variety of tasks for effective time management 

Because of its regimented schedule, school students have a sort of study routine, while colleges allow students the freedom to use their time. As a result, they can learn how to prioritize several duties and projects, how to split big tasks into smaller manageable ones and how to meet deadlines within a timeline.   

And, that's what most employees are looking for in the hiring people. And, that's what most employers are searching for in recruiting people. 

Prioritizing soft skills 

Students often lack the skills of people – it can be found that universities don't spend more time developing the students' soft skills, or what the workers call 'people's skills.' The skills of the employees are, in reality, a key factor in the candidates that the employers are searching for.  

It is largely due to the growing use of technology in industries such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today's employees want candidates that have other skills than machines like empathy, emotional intelligence, resilience, and integrity. 


Overall, it is not just about the educational institutions or their paradigm that need revision. Students who are pursuing higher education must realize that it is their responsibility to continue to look for opportunities to improve their college skills.   

Likewise, employers need to think more freely before recruiting an employee because they don't find getting a higher degree as the only criterion for work performance and analytical skills. 


Dr Sangeeta Chhabra

Guest Author The author is MD, Real Time Data Services

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