"Gen AI & Unbiased Algorithms Marks Progression Of Recruitment"

Human resources (HR) are poised to remain at the helm of reinvention and transformation in 2024. This is expected to continue from the previous year, when HR functions not only achieved efficiency gains but also underwent a significant paradigm shift, prioritising human value.

Technology will be leveraged as a catalyst for growth, diversity and inclusivity, and employee well-being satisfaction, all transforming the HR roles and functions in organisations.

Taking the lead with AI

In 2023, the process of talent acquisition was significantly enhanced by generative AI. Unbiased algorithms helped scan resumes, creating personalised engagement strategies. This marks the progression of recruitment, where achieving a balance between efficiency and human understanding is crucial. While artificial intelligence (AI) simplifies the hiring process, the human element remains vital, allowing HR professionals to build on meaningful relationships and providing a positive employee experience.

Cloud and data management

In today's globalised talent landscape, organisations are increasingly concerned about securely storing and managing vast amounts of employee data. Looking ahead, analytical tools are expected to unlock invaluable insights into workforce trends, performance, and engagement in the coming year. This set of data empowers HR leaders to make decisions that benefit both employees and organisations.

Reimagining learning

The current workforce desires continuous growth, which was reflected in the investments planned for workplace upskilling in 2023. In 2024, interactive learning and development (L&D) platforms powered by augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) will become more prominent, providing immersive training simulations and facilitating real-time engagement.

Well-being beyond office

Mental health applications and AI-powered chatbots, providing stress-reduction techniques and focus-improvement tools, will become more common in 2024. Inclusive technologies such as adaptive keyboards and smart canes will empower employees with disabilities, enabling diversity. Prioritising well-being is not merely a feel-good measure, it is critical in attracting and retaining top talent today.

These aspects, featured prominently through 2023, converge on a central theme – prioritising people. They lay the foundation for the future of HR functions, in 2024 and beyond. Technology will continue to fuel human progress and innovation will propel organisational success in the future.

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