Enhancing Leadership Skills through Technology And Innovation

As technology continues to evolve, it offers unprecedented opportunities for leaders to enhance their skills, drive innovation, and navigate complex challenges

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, effective leadership is more critical than ever for organizational success. As technology continues to evolve, it offers unprecedented opportunities for leaders to enhance their skills, drive innovation, and navigate complex challenges. 
According to Seema Rekha Shrivastava, MD, Antarmanh Consulting, "Fifteen years back I remember Azim Premji making a very hard remark that, 'we don’t have employable potential population in the country,' and indeed it was a very disheartening statement to accept for educational institutions!" But what he meant was, that most of the students are skilled, and possess in-depth knowledge of their respective subjects but coming to holistically working at workplaces, the charm wasn’t enough to be leading 100s. 
With incoming of AI and technological advancements, the world is becoming like a one big family. Learning isn’t restricted to a singular geography. "The future of executive learning is expanding day-by-day, AI is bringing in the concept of assessments. Another trend in executive learning is the reduction in time. Earlier MBA used to be of 2-3 years, while today executive MBA getting completed in 1 year only. Hence the key leaning today is customised leaning," stated Lokesh Sharma, CHRO, National Commodities Management Services.
"Companies today are readily n heavily investing in executive education as primarily it’s the need of the hour. Compnaies spending heavily on executive education are progressing more as compared to others. For instance in Vedanta, my management is coming to me and ready to spend 100 cr making provisions for executive education. Dated back to 10-20 years, would we have ever imagined this much of budgest just for upskilling," asks Praveen Purohit, Dy Group CHRO, Vedanta Group?

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