In a fast pace world where technology revolutionising the ways of doing and traditional methods are becoming irrelevant rapidly. And being relevant has become a major challenge for everyone from individuals to organisations. Here experts discuss how to bridge the skill gap through different reskilling methods to stay relevant in today’s world. They were speaking at Nurturing Talent For Future Conclave.
Dheeraj Modi, Vice President & Global HR Head, of NLB Services said, “In the industry, we have a talent shortage. New generations create good things but sometimes create a problem for HR. So, we should try to bridge the gap by involving everybody, it is not an HR problem only everybody should come and say what they want.”
By upskilling companies can give employees opportunities to gain the knowledge, new tools and ability to advance themselves and ever-changing technologies in the workplace and their daily lives.
According to Gautam Saraf, Chief Human Resources Officer, Ferns N Petals, there is always a huge scope for growth and with growing technology new skills are always required. He said, “Organisations are also evolving to match the competition we should push each other for continuous learning to bridge the gap.”
Creating the need is another good way to push people for learning, if someone creates the need then a lot of people will come to learn.
Ashish Kapoor, Director of Team EY, highlighted the building vs buying concept. He said that the goal of upskilling employees cannot be achieved only by pushing them but we have to look at their background and capability also.
Upskilling is not only about how to use a new device it involves learning how to think, act and thrive in a digital world that is sustainable over time.
Arup Gupta, Chief Human Resources Officer, Reliance Infrastructure Businesses, suggested, “As a leader our prime duty is to create a culture of pick up and learn, we should put employees in different works that we called cross skilling so they can upskill themselves smoothly.”