AI Should Augment Human Intelligence, Not Replace It: Guy Waterman

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI in human resource (HR) and workplace solutions is increasing by the day but according to Guy Waterman, the vice president of people analytics, Human Capital Management (HCM) technology and innovation at Oracle there is still a “long way” to go before the industry moves beyond the “current wave of innovation”. In this conversation, Waterman discusses Oracle’s approach towards generative AI and some aspects to look out for.

Generative AI has transformed the HR-tech landscape allowing automation in processes. How has human capital management (HCM) changed the HR landscape in India over the years? 

The innovation in HCM has changed the way we work drastically. By integrating emerging technologies like AI and machine learning (ML), we’ve been able to help HR leaders increase their workforces’ productivity, efficiency, and overall satisfaction. Most notably, the innovations we’ve driven and seen in the market have allowed our customers to prioritise the things that matter most in the market--the people and delivering a positive, personalised employee experience. 

With all the changes we’ve seen over the past few years, the employee experience has risen to the top as one of the most critical factors to a successful workforce across any country or industry. We’re proud to say that our Cloud HCM solution is leading the charge in innovation, allowing our customers not only to keep up with the pace of change but thrive in an ever-evolving environment.

How do generative AI-driven solutions streamline processes like workforce management, onboarding and decision-making?

Generative AI in HCM is designed to help customers streamline content-heavy and time-consuming tasks so that they can spend more time focused on more creative, strategic and meaningful opportunities that will drive business success.

With both AI and generative AI, the ability to learn and become stronger over time will help HR leaders receive more accurate suggestions, much faster than they did previously. This can help make an impact across every area of HR by automating processes, reducing time spent on administrative and content-driven work, and delivering intelligent data that HR leaders need to make critical business decisions.

Generative AI has the potential to create new jobs in data science, ML and AI development. But automation can also result in manpower layoffs. What are your views?

Our philosophy with AI is and has always been that it should augment human intelligence, not replace it. With AI and this new evolution of generative AI entering the workforce, it’s opening the doors for employees, managers and HR leaders alike to save time and complete tasks faster, allowing them to focus their efforts on more meaningful, strategic initiatives that drive greater business value.

Please tell us more about what Oracle is doing in the generative AI space. 

Oracle’s AI app strategy is truly unique for a number of reasons. First, Oracle Fusion Applications offer a comprehensive portfolio of cloud applications that already has AI embedded throughout the entire portfolio; Second, our expertise and history as a company in data management offers an unmatched level of security for our customers. Lastly, having our platform and AI capabilities offers a best-in-class AI infrastructure, allowing our customers to get the highest levels of performance and business value while reducing cost.

What could be the next big technological advancement in the HR industry?

I believe we’re only just skimming the surface of generative AI. It’s too soon to look beyond this wave of innovation because the opportunities and potential for its impact are nearly endless. The way AI and generative AI will continue to evolve and improve the HR industry and still yet to be determined, but from what we’re seeing and working on, the impact will be significant.

Given generative AI’s ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, could this pose a cyber-security threat to customer data?

The embedded generative AI capabilities within Oracle Cloud HCM are designed to provide the highest levels of security, performance, and business value. Customers use their own data to refine models for their specific business needs. Our customers have control over their data, ensuring it remains safe and secure. 

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