About 56 per cent of job seekers in India face scams during their job hunt process, according to a report. The report by Hirect, a chat-based direct hiring platform, showed that millennials aged between 20-29 are the most exposed to scams and fraudulent job offers.
“Our aim behind sharing insights from the hiring industry is to help recruiters and job seekers be well versed with the latest trends and help in making an informed decision. A prevalent problem in the hiring industry is the prevalence of recruitment scams. Keeping the issue in mind, Hirect is ensuring the safety and security of the users by eliminating the consultants in between,” said Raj Das, Global Co-Founder and CEO of Hirect India, in a statement.
Das said keeping the issue in mind, the company is ensuring the safety and security of the users by eliminating the consultants in between.
The report was based on a survey where 43.5 per cent of respondents claimed it takes around 1 week to hire from receipt of an application to an offer letter.
Tier 1 cities showed increasing hiring for both technical and non-technical positions. The most in-demand tech positions in Mumbai and Bengaluru are full stack engineer, java engineer, IT technical support, NET developer, and PHP developer.
In Gurugram, the most in-demand positions are full stack engineer, PHP developer, Java engineer, IT technical support, web front end engineer, etc.