In 2010, the housekeeper Jai Chand at the Haryana Raj Bhawan could not serve the guest's food at one of the gatherings at the Haryana Raj Bhavan and he got charged with delinquency there. Years later, another chargesheet was issued accusing him of misbehaviour. It was alleged that he had used foul language against a co-worker, a caretaker at the Haryana Raj Bhavan. The then Secretary to the Governor had pointed out that he had observed nothing wrong with Jai Chand’s conduct and that his behaviour and work had been appropriate. Therefore, he saw no reason to punish Jai Chand severely.
Eventually, Jai Chand transferred to the hospitality department. The Punjab and Haryana High Court stated that as Jai Chand was merely a housekeeper and had no experience of hosting guests, the inhospitality was not only his mistake. Rather he was given an inappropriate task. Also, the preparation and serving of food is a collective effort by many, so the petitioner, Jai Chand alone cannot be held accountable for a lapse in service.
The court disposed of the petition “with an expectation of the respondents that under the submission of petitioner’s reply to the show-cause notices, a wholesome view will be taken”.